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Information for individuals who are searching for an apartment and/or are a tenant of Mimer.

Information for tenants

How to contact Mimer

Search vacancies

What requirements do applicants have to meet?

To rent an apartment from Mimer, you must fulfil the following basic requirements:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You must have a Swedish personal identity number.
  • You may not owe money to Mimer or any other landlord.
  • You may not have more than 1 record of non-payment within the past year.
  • If you have a lease, you must need the apartment, live there, and be nationally registered at that address.
  • You may only have one primary lease with Mimer.
  • As a tenant, you must obtain tenants’ insurance for the home.
  • You may not have more people living in the apartment than is reasonable in relation to the apartment’s size.
  • You may not have any negative housing references.
  • We follow the city’s financial assistance guidelines if you are seeking housing and are receiving income support.

If you are already a tenant with us and want to move to a new Mimer apartment, the following apply:

  • You must have paid your rent on time for the last 6 months.
  • You must not have any outstanding debts to Mimer.
  • You must not have received any notices about causing a nuisance.

Create an application

You can register for placement in Mimer’s queue beginning from the year of your 16th birthday. From the date that you register, you will begin to collect queue points (köpoäng).

If both you and your partner want to be listed on the apartment lease, you must submit a joint application. To be approved as a co-applicant, you must live under marriage-like conditions.

In order to keep your queue points, you must log in and update your contact details once every 12 months. Otherwise, you will lose your queue points and your application will be deleted. It is your responsibility to keep track of your application and when it needs to be updated.

Register here (the information is in Swedish)

What are queue points?

Once you have registered, you earn 1 point per day. The more points you have, the greater your chance of getting an apartment.

Once you agree to sign a lease, your queue points and application are reset to zero (the same applies in the case of a housing swap).

Your queue points are personal and cannot be transferred or combined with anyone else’s queue points. However, there are two exceptions to this rule that allow for the transfer of queue points. In both cases, you must present a certificate. Queue points can be transferred to a cohabitant who lived under marriage-like conditions with the other party in the following circumstances:

  1. in case of death.
  2. in case of a permanent move to a nursing home.

You can view your current queue point balance by logging in to Mina sidor (My pages), the information is in Swedish.

How do I update my application?

Follow these steps to update your application:

  • Log in to “Mina sidor” (My pages).
  • Click on “Min profil” (My profile)
  • Click on “Uppdatera uppgifter” (Update information)
  • Make sure your contact details, like your email address and mobile phone number, are up to date.
  • Click on “Spara uppgifter” (Save information) if you have updated any of your contact information.

How do I express interest in available apartments?

Visit Sök ledigt (Search vacancies) – the information is in Swedish. All of Mimer’s available apartments are presented there. A lease is offered to the applicant with the highest queue point balance, provided that they meet our basic requirements.

Number of people allowed to live in the apartment

The number of people living in the apartment must be reasonable in relation to the size of the apartment in order to prevent unhealthy living conditions. It is important that you think about this when you are applying for one of our apartments.

The following guidelines apply:

  • Studio apartment with kitchenette/cooking area: 2 people
  • Studio apartment with kitchen: 3 people
  • 2-bedroom apartment with kitchenette/kitchen: 4 people
  • 3-bedroom apartment with kitchen: 5 people
  • 4-bedroom apartment with kitchen: 7 people
  • 5-bedroom apartment with kitchen: 8 people
  • 6-bedroom apartment with kitchen: 10 people

The number of people refers to both adults and children.

Information about applying for an apartment with us

  • You can express interest in up to seven apartments at a time.
  • You can accept multiple offers. We will call you if we intend to offer you a lease.
  • There is no limit to the number of offers you can turn down.

Mimer’s concept living

In addition to student apartments and short-term contracts, you can find all available apartments under Lediga lägenheter (Available apartments) – the information is in Swedish. All apartments are rented via a queue point system. For basic requirements, please refer to the section “What requirements do applicants have to meet?”


All of our newly-constructed buildings are “smoke-free buildings” to help tenants who have physical issues with smoke. A smoke-free building means that there is no smoking inside the apartment, on the balcony/patio, at the entrance, or in the common areas of the property.

Quick occupancy (Snabb inflytt)

Quick occupancy is a designation given to apartments with no more than 1 month left before the tenant can move in. When an apartment is available for renting, it is published together with other available apartments for 48 hours. You can express your interest during this time window.

Quick occupancy apartments are rented out based on the queue point system, just like other apartments.

To be eligible to rent a quick occupancy apartment, you must:

  • Meet our basic requirements for apartment rental.
  • Be prepared to accept the apartment as soon as it is available to rent.

Easy living 55+

The main applicant must be 55 years of age or older. The spouse or live-in partner may be younger. You may not have any children living at home.

Youth apartments

  • You must be between the ages of 18 and 27.
  • Renting is done via the regular queue system.
  • You have the right to stay in the apartment for as long as you like, i.e. even after you have exceeded the age of 27.
  • The main applicant must meet the age requirement at the time of application. A co-applicant can be included on the lease, even if that person does not meet the age requirement.

Short-term contract

The apartment is rented out for a limited period of time due to renovation in the area or because the apartment is being used as an evacuation apartment. As a tenant, you are entitled to stay in the apartment until Mimer requires it. The contract runs on a month-to-month basis, with one month’s notice required by you as the tenant and by Mimer as the landlord.

You will keep your queue point balance and can apply for other apartments during this period.

In order to rent an apartment with a short-term contract, you must:

  • Meet our basic requirements for apartment rental.
  • Be prepared to accept the apartment as soon as it is available to rent.

All available apartments rented out with a short-term contract (the information is in Swedish)

Student apartments

To rent one of our student apartments, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a student at Mälardalens universitet (MDU).
  • You must be taking at least 15 credits/semester.
  • When you complete your studies, you must terminate your lease.

You only pay rent for 10 months of the year. Renting is done via Bostad Västerås (in Swedish).